Let's Talk About the Elephant...

... in the middle of my greenhouse.

Isn't he handsome?

He's wooden, and just the right size to bring me and my new green-thumb endeavor ~good luck.~

He greets me each morning, and provides twenty-four hour company to shelves, pots, buckets of soil, plant starts, watering cans, and even a Christmas tree.

Yes, an elephant and a Christmas tree CAN coexist in a greenhouse.

I asked Dear Husband to cut some gutters into gradually longer lengths so they could be arranged like so:

I even found a star for the tippy top:

I'm going to attempt to transplant strawberries from outdoor beds to the gutters to see if they'll take.  Strawberries would be beautiful ornaments, don't you think?

I added some other personal touches to this dream she-shed of mine:

... and even Buck came out to explore:

I hope to grow many more plants and edibles for my family in the years to come, and I'm certain other colorful characters and fun decorative elements will eventually find a home in the greenhouse too.

Here's what it looked like near completion:

Thank you, Dear Husband!



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