Magpie Más


Look at what was waiting for me at home after a quick road trip to St. Louis with The Teenager to see The Eldest! Magical millinery, lace, ribbons, ephemera, picks, buttons, cards, beadwork and more, all from my creative, thoughtful and spirit-affirming friend, Sheila. It's obvious she ~gets~ my magpie-más tendencies.

Look!  My initials in sparkly, spangly glory!

The clothing labels, beadwork on lace, and millinery flowers and leaves will be arranged, displayed, sorted through, and thoroughly enjoyed as I select the perfect touches for whatever creations my imagination dreams up. I love the look, feel, and age of every piece.  Beauty endures as does friendship, even during stressful and chaotic times.

Thank goodness.

Thank you, Sheila.


Magpie Michaele


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