Walking the Walk: ~Happy Mother's Day~

This is the woman who not only gave birth to me, took me to the theater and let me use all of her scarves as I created doll houses by draping them over game boards, but who also equipped me with saddle oxfords, loafers, heels and steel-toed hiking boots to use as needed.

Steel-toed hiking boots aren't *just* for hiking, you know.

For my college graduation, she didn't gift me with a briefcase or laptop, oh no.  She gave me purple cowboy boots, and I've worn them on every Purple Day celebrated with my Super Stars since I began teaching twenty years ago.

She has encouraged me to not only talk the talk, but walk the walk as I make my way with my own family, friends, colleagues, and students.  Thanks to her inspiration, I'm wearing wonderful footwear and am always well accessorized with a giant ring, pearls, or a brooch as I do it.

Thank you Mom.


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